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飞领有7 1/2、9和12英尺的长度,并且在设计上是无结的,从较大的对接直径逐渐变细到较小的引线直径。这些先导材料由单丝、共聚物或氟碳化合物材料组成。单体引物由尼龙制成,性质柔软,比氟引物具有更大的“可结性”因素。具有接近中性浮力的单体龙头也使它们成为钓干鱼或悬浮在水面以下的苍蝇的绝佳选择。一些鳟鱼垂钓者更喜欢共聚物先导的柔韧性和强度的结合,以使小型或中型苍蝇捕捉大型鱼类。然而,氟先导剂在清澈的水中对怕鱼线的鱼特别有效,因为它们几乎是隐形的。它们密度更大,下沉速度更快,比单体具有更高的耐磨性,非常适合花痴和在厚重的覆盖物周围钓鱼。BOB体育.combob安卓对于那些钓鱼与欧洲若bob安卓BOB体育.com虫蝇杆,专业领导与彩色部分可以很容易地被视为“打击指标。”

对接截面直径(绕到飞线的末端)根据飞线尺寸从0.017英寸到0.026英寸不等,从0X(。011年。直径)至7X(。004 in.) “tippet” diameter. Breaking strengths, butt and tip diameters, and length are determined by the fly line and species to be targeted, which are marked on the package and FishUSA product pages. As you tie on flies repeatedly and cut the tippet section of the leader over and over, you eventually wind up with a shorter leader. To prolong the life of your leader, get a spooled tippet (0X to 7X depending on leader design) and connect 18 to 24 in. of tippet material to the leader. Leader and tippet sized to match allow you to return to fishing with a longer leader.
